Importing Data into Longhorn

How to Import Existing Data into Longhorn Volumes on a Kubernetes Cluster

Written on 2024-09-14
Written by Remco Kersten

Recently, I deployed my Kubernetes cluster in my homelab and decided to use Longhorn as the storage provider. One question that came up was: How do I import my existing data into Longhorn volumes?

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process of exporting data from an existing container, creating a Longhorn volume, and importing that data into the new volume. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Export Data from an Existing Container or Volume

First, we need to export the data from the existing container.

  • Open a Shell in the Running Container
    Use docker exec to open a shell in the container you want to export data from:
sudo docker exec - it gitea / bin / sh
  • Archive (Tar) the Data
    Navigate to the directory where your data is stored and compress it into a tarball for easy copying:
/ # cd /data/
/data # ls
git           gitea         ssh
/data # tar -czf gitea.tar.gz .
  • Copy the Tarball from the Container to Your Host
    Exit the shell and use docker cp to copy the tarball to your host:
sudo docker cp gitea:/data/gitea.tar.gz .
Successfully copied 10.3MB to /home/remco/.

Now that we have exported the data, let's move on to creating the Longhorn volume where we will import this data.

Step 2: Create a Volume on Longhorn

There are different ways to create a volume in Longhorn. For simplicity, we'll use the Longhorn UI to create a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC).

  • Create a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)



  • After creating the PVC via the Longhorn UI, you can verify its existence in the desired Kubernetes namespace:
$ kubectl get pvc -n gitea
gitea-data   Bound    gitea-data   10Gi       RWO            longhorn-static   22s
  • Once the PVC is bound, you're ready to import the data into the Longhorn volume.

Step 3: Create a Pod to Import the Data

To copy the data to the Longhorn volume, we’ll need a pod that can mount the volume. For this example, we’ll use a simple busybox pod, but you can use any container you prefer.

  • Create a Busybox Pod
    Below is a YAML file to create a busybox pod that will sleep for an hour, giving us time to copy and extract the data.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: busybox
    app: busybox
    - image: busybox
      name: busybox
        - sleep
        - "3600"
        - name: data
          mountPath: "/data"
    - name: data
        claimName: gitea-data
  • Apply the YAML file using kubectl:
kubectl apply -f busybox.yaml -n gitea

Verify the Pod is Running

  • Check that the pod is up and running with the following command:
$ kubectl get pods -n gitea
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
busybox                  1/1     Running   0          70s
gitea-5df8b6db65-6fkc8   1/1     Running   0          25m

Now that the pod is running, we can proceed with copying the data.

Step 4: Copy the Tar File into the Pod

  • Use the kubectl cp command to copy the tar file into the busybox pod, specifically to the /data directory:
$ kubectl cp - n gitea./ gitea.tar.gz busybox: /data/
  • Extract the Tar File in the Pod
    Next, we’ll open a shell in the busybox pod and extract the tar file:
kubectl exec - n gitea--stdin--tty busybox-- / bin / sh
/ # cd / data
/ data # ls
gitea.tar.gz  lost + found
/ data # tar - xzf gitea.tar.gz
/ data # ls
git           gitea         gitea.tar.gz  lost + found  ssh
  • After verifying the data is extracted correctly, you can remove the tar file to clean up:
$ kubectl delete -f busybox.yaml - n gitea

Step 5: Clean Up

  • Once the data is successfully imported, delete the busybox pod to free up resources. If you used the provided YAML file, simply run:
$ kubectl delete -f busybox.yaml - n gitea

That's It!

You’ve now imported your existing data into a Longhorn volume. You can deploy your applications and attach the Longhorn volume as needed.

With this approach, you can easily migrate your data from old containers or volumes to new Longhorn-backed PVCs in your Kubernetes cluster.

Feel free to customize this process depending on your setup. Longhorn makes managing persistent storage in Kubernetes seamless, even in homelabs!